April is the time when farmers begin to prepare for the growing season - tilling the soil, seeding the grain, fertilizing the winter wheat - all in preparation for a bountiful fall harvest. In our neighbourhoods people have watched the daffodils, crocuses and tulips all push their stubborn leaves through still-cold soil, catching the warming rays of the sun and finally emerging against the still-brown tones of early spring with their brilliant colours. And people get "the itch" and start clearing up the winter kill from the gardens and flowerbeds; seeding, fertilizing, aerating and cleaning up their lawns; shopping at garden centres for early planting flowers. Everyone is eager to see growth and life happen once again; longing for the colour, the life, the shade, the fruit, the vegetables.
It's always an exciting time of the year.
I think Christians should be the most enthusiastic, celebrative supporters of Earth Day. We know the Creator of all nature. We know the Architect of this amazing planet we live on. And we were given the responsibility to steward God's incredible Creation.
Genesis 1:28 says: Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” (NLT)We were given responsibility for the planet we live on. To use its resources but not abuse them. To shepherd the fish, birds, animals but not to deplete them. To govern over the earth as a loving father or mother governs over their children.
Sometimes I hear Christians use this verse to support their lack of concern for the raping of the land we live on; for their lack of concern for when our over-ambition for profit causes us to deplete resources, over-fish, over-log, overburden the ability of the Earth to catch-up. And to support our lack of concern, we often quote the words used in the King James Version of that scripture which says that we are to "subdue" the earth. But the meaning of "subdue" isn't to use something up completely without regard for its ability to survive our "subduing". The word is actually closer in meaning to the word "tend" or "shepherd" or "govern". It implies ongoing relationship - togetherness. Mastery - yes. But not as an oligarch. Not as a conqueror. Rather as s a nurturer, a farmer, a shepherd.
Consider what you can do to celebrate God's amazing creation by giving something back today (and why not everyday?).
- Plant something - a flower, a tree, a vegetable.
- Walk somewhere - where you might have thought it easier and faster just to drive.
- Turns the light off - when you leave a room, use the natural light coming through the window when possible.
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