But God had convicted him that he was just lazy. Because it is easier to point out the flaws of the church, work, the government... anything... than to work towards the improvement of it.

Are there things the church could do better? Absolutely! Are there things that it needs to stop doing? Without a doubt!
But God's question to Ian, and to me, needs to be considered, "Will are you continually speak ill of the body that I love and gave myself for or work to help to build her into the radiant bride I envision?"
Ian referenced Francis of Assisi who lived in a time when the condition of the church was deplorable. If anyone had the right to critique the condition of the church it was Francis. And yet God told him that he needed to love the church and work towards its perfection - not towards its demise. In fact, in the monastic order he began, no monk was allowed to speak ill of the church - only to work towards its betterment.
"But those who prophesy are speaking to people to give them strength,
encouragement, and comfort"
1 Corinthians 14:3 (NCV)
And in 25 years the church had been revolutionized, restored, revived. Because it was loved even in its ugliness...
So the question I find myself pondering is; do I want to work towards the reviving of the church?
... it is much easier to critic her than to build her up.
But Jesus loves his church - as ugly and dysfunctional that it is (and we all are) at times. And if Jesus is patient and forgiving in his love, can I do any less?
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