Sunday, March 31, 2013

Kites and Easter

Our family only has a few traditions.

  • A fondue supper on Christmas Eve. 
  • On April 1st, calling Grandpa Klassen he has a pink elephant on his roof. 
  • Flying kites on Easter weekend.
Yesterday was a  beautiful day for flying kites in our neighbourhood. So two of my grandchildren and I spent a few hours Saturday afternoon flying our kites on this wonderful Easter weekend. Enjoying watching the wind pick up the kites and soar them to the end of the string and just hanging there in the air, dancing about for hours.

Watching the kites rise from the earth - I find it somewhat a spiritual experience. Especially at Easter. A time when we remember death being conquered and life rising once again from the grave - kind of like a kite rises from the still-brown grass of the winter into the incredible beauty of the blue skies.

This tradition has been important in helping us as parents, and now as grandparents, give a physical symbol of the resurrection.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

It's the phrase we repeat on each Easter Sunday morning. But to attach it to the symbol of the kite rising from the earth to the sky helps open up conversation with our children and grandchildren. What does Jesus' rising from the dead mean for us? How does it compare with the rising of the kite? How does it differ? What makes flying a kite the most special? What makes celebrating Jesus' resurrected life special for me?

Let me share some of the interesting comments that have been made over the years:

  • Although we control the flight of the kite with the string, we don't control Jesus - yet he still maintains direct connection with us
  • You want to fly the kite as high (and by definition, as far away) as possible, yet Jesus wants to remain up close and personal
  • When the wind stops blowing the kite falls - just like when we don't maintain an openness to the Holy Spirit it is hard to have Jesus rise up in importance in our lives
  • It's always sad to pull the kite back down to earth and put it away - but Jesus never has to be "put away". He can always remain with us.
Happy Easter! Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Silence Scares Us

From the "Weekly Thought 6" of the makeusholy FaceBook page

Silence scares us because it doesn’t seem natural. Sometimes I wonder if we are so afraid of what we might hear in the silence that we refuse to allow it. Or perhaps, we are afraid that we will hear nothing at all... and truly feel alone. (Worship Walk revised edition—page 50)

“I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.” ― Chaim Potok, The Chosen 

Friday, March 22, 2013

I Saw Four Robins Today!

I watched four robins today as they collected twigs and dry leaves out of our basement window wells in preparation for building their nest. What a wonderful reminder that Spring is here. Even more surprising is that this reminder comes midst blowing snow and temperatures below freezing! 

Are they crazy? No... just a little early this year, perhaps? 

But it caused me to ponder about all things "spring".

Spring is a time when that which was dead or dormant springs once again to life. When new life burst forth from the cold ground and colour and growth once again replace the monochrome of winter landscapes. 

Spring is always a time of preparation. Farmers prepare to till the earth and sow their seeds in anticipation of a bountiful crop in fall to supply the need for sustenance throughout the winter. Parks and recreational places dust off the stored equipment and prepare to beautify the grounds and attract people to their locals. Golf courses groom and weed, paint and update in preparation for the influx of house-bound people eager to stretch their limbs and chase the ball.

Easter is next weekend. And as we approach this milestone of the Christian calendar I am reminded again that in Jesus Christ we, too, are renewed, reborn, made alive. Because of his death and resurrection we have been made new people – the old has passed on – new life has begun. What an opportunity that presents us. We are no longer tied to or restricted by the past. We are no longer slaves to what was. We are free to renovate and be renovated. And Jesus is always available to plant, to direct, to encourage, and yes, to weed our lives.

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
1 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

Be the new person Jesus has made you. Let yesterday go! Let him accomplish something new in you this spring. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To Bless and Honour

I got a Facebook message today that changed my day—elevating it from ordinary to extraordinary.

Yeah, I know. Hundreds of thousands of Facebook messages clutter the digital space on a daily basis. But I have to say, this message was amazing.

The message was an encouragement and a blessing. It was written by a friend who knows me well and at least some of what I deal with in maintaining and growing this ministry. He is a prayer warrior who “has my back” as I seek to follow God’s leading. I was encouraged, honoured and blessed by his thoughtfulness, his faithfulness and his obedience. And at the heart of his note was a passage of scripture from The Message’s paraphrase of Philippians 1:3-11.

3-6 Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God’s Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.
7-8 It’s not at all fanciful for me to think this way about you. My prayers and hopes have deep roots in reality. You have, after all, stuck with me all the way from the time I was thrown in jail, put on trial, and came out of it in one piece. All along you have experienced with me the most generous help from God. He knows how much I love and miss you these days. Sometimes I think I feel as strongly about you as Christ does! 
9-11 So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.

God encourages me many times as I read the Scriptures and meditate on the insights he gives me. But I don’t often use the encouragement I receive from these times of communion with God to ask the question, “Who can I bless and honour today with these words I have been encouraged by?”

As you read Paul’s overwhelmingly warm and encouraging words for the people he holds dear to his heart you get a glimpse of how much his relationship with God intersected and interacted with his relationships with his friends, his colleagues, his church. And that relationship drove him to prayers of thanksgiving to God for these friends and words of blessing for the work Jesus is doing in them.

Paul’s prayer for them is that their love will never diminish but expand to envelope the whole of their lives. So much so that the overflow of their lives would not only develop strength of character but fruit as well. He wants their lives—as they allow Jesus to live through them—to become so attractive to those around them that all will join forces in giving praise and glory to God.

Paul’s prayer and encouragement isn’t to make the Philippian church feel good about itself but to motivate them to continue doing the work of the Lord so that all their work and effort will continually bring glory and praise to God.

When we bless others—when we honour others for the work we see God accomplishing in and through them—we help to motivate their work and their lives to spreading the aroma of Christ.
The Facebook message I received today encouraged me in that direction once again.  My friend’s words helped to clarify the work God has called me to do. They reminded me that it is not for my personal gain or advancement but for the glory of Jesus.

We are nearing the the end of the season of lent when we remember the suffering and death of Jesus—and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is a time of remembering the humanity and vulnerability he willingly placed himself in coming to live with us as our Emmanuel and to take our punishment upon himself. But it is also a time of year when we can bless and honour others—with words of encouragement—letting them know how they have encouraged us in our relationship with our Lord and Master. Letting them know the depth of our love for them. Letting them know how our relationship with Jesus is advanced by what we see in them—so that they can join with us in boasting about him.

And I think it also applies to letting our friends—who perhaps have not yet responded to Jesus’ gift of salvation and relationship—know the ways that their generosity of heart, their thankfulness for what they enjoy in life, their friendship to us, has been a part of helping us to praise God.

When we bless and honour people for the ways they have reflected large or small parts of God’s character—even if they don’t have a relationship with him—we open up a rich storehouse of possibilities for them to consider.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Worship is Not a Magic Lamp

I found this interesting article today...

Some great insights. Read on...

Worship is Not a Magic Lamp

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cheap Movies Tonight!

It's Tuesday!
And you know what that means!
Cheap night at the movies! Alright!!!

Amazing how I get excited about the simplest things.
Okay, I have to be honest with you... I LOVE movies! Not much a fan of the vampire motif. Neither am I a fan of zombie or horror fiicks. But give me some good ole intrigue, mystery, sci-fi, shoot-em-up, blow-em-up and I am there in the centre seat of the theatre, popcorn in one hand and a diet coke (with about 10% root beer added in - to cut the Appertain taste) in the other and I am transported into another world for a couple of hours.

And even if the movie isn't that great - I still love to go.

Our church meets in a movie theatre. And I love our church - The Meeting House - Kitchener Site. The music is pretty good and the leaders do a decent job of drawing my thoughts and prayers to Jesus - the one I'm there to love and serve. The messages are usually pretty good too - engaging what God says to us through the Scriptures and the person of Jesus Christ to our lives in my contemporary society in which I live.

And I enjoy going! Even when it isn't the greatest experience.

Now I can watch a movie at home... I have a great collection of movies on Blu-Ray (and lots of kids movies for my grandchildren). I have a comfortable room, nice LazyBoy reclining rocker chair, and a decent sized TV to enjoy watching them on. But I still prefer to watch movies at the theatre - on the BIG SCREEN!

And I wonder, "Do I treat God the same way?"

God doesn't live in our church (or the movie theatre we meet in). Sure he's there. But he is also here... with me... right now as I write this blog. And sometimes I don't take advantage of his being with me -- always -- and I kinda live my life with Jesus like he can only be truly enjoyed on "cheap-night-Tuesdays".

Jesus had lots to say about the kind of people who would be his disciples. They die daily... to their own agendas, their own desires, their own schedules... and pick up their cross (a reminder that they have just died to themselves) and follow Jesus into every moment of every day. They put their hand to the plow (to the work God has given them to do) and don't look back... being distracted by all the things that want to keep our eyes off Jesus. They are aware of the people and the needs around them and seek to participate in making a difference there. They do more than "show up on Sundays" because even Jesus says God's not looking for people who just show up at a place and a time... he's looking for people who engage with him at ALL times, in ALL places!

Sure it's cheap night at the movies today. But spending time with Jesus is FREE and he's available always!

Enjoy him today!

(Check out "Worship Walk: where worship and life intersect")