Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cheap Movies Tonight!

It's Tuesday!
And you know what that means!
Cheap night at the movies! Alright!!!

Amazing how I get excited about the simplest things.
Okay, I have to be honest with you... I LOVE movies! Not much a fan of the vampire motif. Neither am I a fan of zombie or horror fiicks. But give me some good ole intrigue, mystery, sci-fi, shoot-em-up, blow-em-up and I am there in the centre seat of the theatre, popcorn in one hand and a diet coke (with about 10% root beer added in - to cut the Appertain taste) in the other and I am transported into another world for a couple of hours.

And even if the movie isn't that great - I still love to go.

Our church meets in a movie theatre. And I love our church - The Meeting House - Kitchener Site. The music is pretty good and the leaders do a decent job of drawing my thoughts and prayers to Jesus - the one I'm there to love and serve. The messages are usually pretty good too - engaging what God says to us through the Scriptures and the person of Jesus Christ to our lives in my contemporary society in which I live.

And I enjoy going! Even when it isn't the greatest experience.

Now I can watch a movie at home... I have a great collection of movies on Blu-Ray (and lots of kids movies for my grandchildren). I have a comfortable room, nice LazyBoy reclining rocker chair, and a decent sized TV to enjoy watching them on. But I still prefer to watch movies at the theatre - on the BIG SCREEN!

And I wonder, "Do I treat God the same way?"

God doesn't live in our church (or the movie theatre we meet in). Sure he's there. But he is also here... with me... right now as I write this blog. And sometimes I don't take advantage of his being with me -- always -- and I kinda live my life with Jesus like he can only be truly enjoyed on "cheap-night-Tuesdays".

Jesus had lots to say about the kind of people who would be his disciples. They die daily... to their own agendas, their own desires, their own schedules... and pick up their cross (a reminder that they have just died to themselves) and follow Jesus into every moment of every day. They put their hand to the plow (to the work God has given them to do) and don't look back... being distracted by all the things that want to keep our eyes off Jesus. They are aware of the people and the needs around them and seek to participate in making a difference there. They do more than "show up on Sundays" because even Jesus says God's not looking for people who just show up at a place and a time... he's looking for people who engage with him at ALL times, in ALL places!

Sure it's cheap night at the movies today. But spending time with Jesus is FREE and he's available always!

Enjoy him today!

(Check out "Worship Walk: where worship and life intersect")

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